MSNBC wunderkind Ronan Farrow treated viewers to a penetrating interview with Wendy Davis on Tuesday. Here are five takeaways:
1. Davis disagrees with her critics.
Farrow asked what Davis thought of critics who say she has been "too hard" on her paraplegic opponent, Republican attorney general Greg Abbott.
"I disagree," she said.
2. Liberal donors don’t like Ted Nugent.
Davis has raised $680,000 in less than a week since making controversial rock star Ted Nugent the focus of her campaign, and running a "powerful ad featuring a rape survivor" that seeks to tie Abbott to Nugent. Maybe some of Farrow’s geriatric viewers also would like to make a donation?
3. Texas is "ground zero in the fight for women’s rights."
According to Farrow, anyway.
4. Davis says her attacks on Nugent will boost her poll numbers.
Most of the questions were about Nugent. Davis is behind in the polls, but as Davis staffers reminded Farrow, those polls were taken before Nugent-gate. "You saw that fundraising spike in response to the Nugent attack. Do you feel that you'll also see a corresponding rise in the [poll] numbers?" Farrow asked.
That's exactly what Wendy feels.
5. [try to find a fifth one before publishing]