Free Beacon Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.

PAWS Act Seeks to Help Veterans With PTSD Get Service Dogs

Would allocate $10 million for pilot program

March 18, 2016
Unholstered Gun

Man Takes Gun From One Home Intruder, Shoots Another With It

Man turns the tables on his armed attackers

March 16, 2016

Obama Supreme Court Nominee
Has Anti-Gun Record

Gun rights proponents say Merrick Garland should not be confirmed

March 16, 2016

Gun > Hatchet

Good samaritan shoots hatchet-wielding attacker at 7/11

March 15, 2016

Gun Control Activists Launch Site to 'Predict' Gun Violence

Activists hope to use predictive algorithms to sway lawmakers

March 14, 2016

Learning to Fight Like an Israeli

Feature: 17 hours of training with the Israeli Tactical School

March 11, 2016
Massachusetts gun owners face long wait periods for fire arm I.D.'s

Homeowner Shoots Escaped Murderer During Hostage Situation

Murderer meets his end after messing with the wrong homeowner

March 10, 2016

DC Gun Carry Case Moves Back to Appeals Court

District Court upholds ‘good reason’ clause

March 8, 2016