Free Beacon Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

DOJ Ends Operation Choke Point

Operation was accused of unfairly targeting financial access for firearms and short-term lending industries

August 18, 2017

Gun Groups Issue Dueling Endorsements in Virginia Governor’s Race

NRA backs Republican Ed Gillespie, ARS backs Democrat Ralph Northam

August 17, 2017

Virginia State Police Say They Didn't Find Weapons Caches in Charlottesville Despite McAuliffe Claim

Governor repeats disputed claim that protesters were better equipped than police

August 17, 2017
Ed Gillespie / Getty Images

Gun Groups Issue Dueling Endorsements in Virginia Governor's Race

NRA backs Republican Ed Gillespie, ARS backs Democrat Ralph Northam

August 16, 2017
A protester is arrested in Charlottesville

Virginia State Police Say They Were Not Outgunned in Charlottesville Riot Despite McAuliffe Claim

VSP defend their role in policing white supremacists and Antifa during violence

August 14, 2017

ATF Traced Dramatically Fewer Guns in Mexico, Central America Last Year

Reports show traces from Mexico down nearly a quarter, even more in other countries

August 11, 2017

Good Samaritan Armed With Gun Puts End to Stabbing Spree

'He got me, from what the doctor said after my CT scan today, just millimeters from my heart'

August 9, 2017

New York Confiscates Innocent Veteran's Firearms

Bureaucratic screw-up leaves vet wrongfully targeted

August 8, 2017