Free Beacon Matthew Walther

Matthew Walther is associate editor of the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously assistant editor of the American Spectator. His work has also appeared in the Spectator of London, First Things, the Weekly Standard, National Review, the Daily Beast, and other publications. He lives with his wife, Lydia, and their two daughters in Alexandria, Virginia. His Twitter handle is @matthewwalther.

PETA Is Sending George W. Bush a Care Package of Vegan Food

Offers ‘best wishes for a long retirement’

February 17, 2016

‘I Love Bushes’

Feature: What I saw at George W. Bush’s rally for Jeb!

February 16, 2016
john le carre

Looking for Le Carré

Review: John Le Carré, the biography by Adam Sisman

February 12, 2016

Jeb vs. John vs. Chris

Feature: The battle for second place in New Hampshire heats up

February 5, 2016
Walther Iowa

My Own Private Iowa

Feature: One man’s humble quest on the campaign trail

January 29, 2016
Trump truck

Immigrant Christian Abstract Expressionists for Trump

Feature: An interview with one of Trump’s most devout supporters

January 22, 2016
David Pryce-Jones

All in the Family

Review: David Pryce-Jones, ‘Fault Lines’

January 16, 2016
Kemp Forum

A Day Without Donald Trump

Feature: Live from the Kemp Foundation Forum

January 11, 2016

Among the Believers

Feature: A lone Free Beacon correspondent learns how to become a Democratic woman leader and attends a Hillary house party

November 20, 2015