Free Beacon Matthew Continetti

Matthew Continetti is director of Domestic Policy Studies and the inaugural Patrick and Charlene Neal Chair in American Prosperity at the American Enterprise Institute. The founding editor of the Washington Free Beacon, he is also the author of The K Street Gang: The Rise and Fall of the Republican Machine (Doubleday, 2006); The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star (Sentinel, 2009); and The Right: The Hundred Year War for American Conservatism (Basic, 2022). His articles and reviews have appeared in the New York Times, Atlantic, and Wall Street Journal.

What Difference Does It Make?

Column: America is already feeling the harmful consequences of Obama's reelection

February 1, 2013

The Obama Revolution

Column: Republicans must face the reality of Obama’s success

January 18, 2013

A Conspiracy So Immense

Column: What will it take for the mainstream media to cover the progressive movement?

January 11, 2013

Meathead Wins Again

Column: Tax deal is a victory for Hollywood cronyism

January 4, 2013

Tom Steyer’s Bet is Paying Off

Column: Meet one of Barack Obama’s richest green energy cronies

December 21, 2012

Queen Hillary and Her Courtiers

Column: Liberal kiss-ups in media eager for Clinton 2016

December 14, 2012

The Media Mogul Protection Racket

Column: Want a pass from negative coverage? Fund the liberal press

December 7, 2012

See No Evil

Media avert eyes from Democratic campaign finance hypocrisy

November 30, 2012

The Rising Tide

Column: Washington fiddles as global dangers mount

November 16, 2012

The Reality Check Election

Column: How Romney lost on culture and economics

November 9, 2012