Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

Russ Feingold

Feingold Under Fire In Wisconsin Senate Race Over PAC Expenditures

Progressives United PAC pads staff salaries; spends little on candidates

October 9, 2015

Watchdogs Demand Transparency on Congressional ‘Earmark’ Communications

Groups want communication between members of Congress and agencies on discretionary spending made public

October 7, 2015

Improper Payments Across Government Agencies Hit 124.7 Billion in 2014

Medicare, Medicaid among programs blamed for $19 billion increase

October 2, 2015

IRS Improperly Withheld Info From Taxpayers 12.3 Percent of the Time

IG: Taxpayer rights may have been violated due to erroneously withheld information

October 1, 2015

Medicare Paid $30M for Ambulance Rides Where No Services Were Performed

IG: Medicare vulnerable to fraud involving ambulance transports

September 29, 2015