Free Beacon Ellison Barber

Ellison Barber is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon, where she pens a daily column "Ellison's Must Read of the Day" and a weekly "Sunday Show Roundup." As a reporter, she covers Capitol Hill. Ellison is a frequent guest on Fox News Channel, and Fox Business Network. She is a former contributor at The Blaze. She graduated from Wofford College, has great taste in music, and currently lives in Washington, D.C. Her twitter handle is @ellisonbarber.


Whistleblowers Testify Before the House Veteran Affair Committee

Whistleblowers at Veterans Benefits Administration report instances of retaliation

July 15, 2014

Sunday Show Round Up

Israel under attack and the Mexico border under siege

July 13, 2014

Sunday Show Round Up

Dick Cheney, Rand Paul detail opposing foreign policy strategies

June 22, 2014

Sunday Show Round Up

GOP slams Obama administration for failures in Iraq

June 15, 2014

Sunday Show Round Up

Kerry Defends Bergdahl Swap

June 8, 2014

Troops to the Tracks

Feature: A day at the speedway with 22 airmen and the drivers who love them

June 4, 2014

Pro-Wendy Davis Group Links GOP Candidate to Cancer

Attack calls to mind anti-Romney slur linking Bain to cancer death

May 12, 2014
Robert Gates

Sunday Show Round Up: Gates on Russia and U.S. Leadership

Gates calls lack of leadership biggest nat’l security threat

May 11, 2014