Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Ohio Dem Flip-Flops on Green New Deal

Kate Schroder blames past support for GND on 'secretly videotaped conversation'

October 9, 2020

CA Dem Terminated Worker Retirement Plans as Real Estate Exec

Rep. Harley Rouda now calls retirement benefits 'a crucial part of the American dream'

October 9, 2020

N.Y. Dem Gives Local Law Enforcement the Cold Shoulder

Union chief: 'Jackie Gordon has never taken a stand for the men and women of law enforcement'

October 8, 2020

NBC News' 'Undecided' Voters Previously Featured as Biden Supporters on MSNBC

Questioners openly supported Dems prior to Florida town hall

October 6, 2020

Nevada GOP Requests Investigation Into Mail Tampering by Biden Ally

Culinary Union's canvassing operation may have broken federal law

October 6, 2020

Liberals Turn to 'Decoy' Group To Defend Montana's Bullock on Guns

Astroturf hunting group 'resurrected to try and generate political cover for liberal candidates'

October 6, 2020

S.C. Democrat's Campaign Derides Lindsey Graham as 'Lady G'

Harrison camp led by aides with history of homophobic tweets

October 2, 2020

S.C. Dem Pushed Police to Vet Officers' Social Media -- But Doesn't Vet His Own Staff

Jamie Harrison's top aides have a long history of anti-semitic and homophobic remarks

October 2, 2020

CA Dem Cut Employee Health Care Benefits as Real Estate Executive

Rep. Harley Rouda now calls health care 'a right for every American'

October 1, 2020

Biden Can't Name Single Law Enforcement Group That Supports Him

'Who do you have? Name one group that supports you'

September 29, 2020