Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Illegal Immigrants Guilty of DUI, Assault Will Not Be Deported Under Biden Plan

New ICE guidelines pending approval by DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

February 8, 2021

NC Dem Senate Challenger Votes Against Bipartisan School Reopening Bill

Jeff Jackson bucks CDC director after pledging to lead with 'science'

February 5, 2021

Biden EPA Pick: 'Most' Solar Energy, Electric Vehicle Parts 'Come From China'

'We're finding that if we don't capture the market, we're going to fall behind'

February 4, 2021

Biden Press Sec Used Insult Condemned by Dem Officials as 'Homophobic'

Before preaching 'unity' and 'healing,' Jen Psaki called Lindsey Graham 'Lady G'

February 3, 2021

Hispanic Caucus Takes Aim at African-American Veteran's Service on Key Panel

Castro leads effort to yank Earl Matthews from military base renaming panel

February 2, 2021

Biden's 'Buy American' Clean Energy Conundrum

President's climate actions kill American jobs while boosting China, experts say

February 1, 2021

Wisconsin Dem Senate Candidate Announces Support for Medicare for All

Dem Senate hopeful backs government health care system Biden lampooned

January 28, 2021
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

Following Biden's Lead, Schumer Plans Bypass of GOP to Enact Progressive Agenda

Dem leader floats reconciliation to force controversial measures through Senate

January 27, 2021

Meet the Woman Behind Salon's Sloppy Tom Cotton Piece

San Francisco-based researcher Michelle Pettigrew was renovating her Georgian mansion while Cotton was in Iraq

January 25, 2021

Dem Govs Flout Own COVID Restrictions to Attend Biden Inauguration

Michigan's Whitmer banned outdoor gatherings of more than 25 people before attending event

January 21, 2021