Free Beacon Charles Fain Lehman

Charles Fain Lehman is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal. He was previously a staff writer with the Washington Free Beacon.

Economic Classes Diverge Substantially in Rates of Marriage

Research brief blames economy, culture, government policy

October 16, 2017
Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Sessions Calls on Congress to End Abuse of Asylum Process

Obama-era changes led to easy entry, skyrocketing applications

October 12, 2017
Democratic National Convention

New Study Finds Democrats Moving Left, Driving Growing Partisan Gap

Think tank finds difference between parties greater than ever

October 11, 2017

Senate Republicans Lay Out New Federal Sentencing Agendas

Mandatory minimums, mens rea the major focus

October 11, 2017

New CDC Report Shows Growth in STDs Among Americans

Gonohorrea, syphilis on the rise in recent years following decades of decline

October 8, 2017

Trump Admin Announces Relief From Contraceptive Mandate for Religious Objectors

Separate rule also permits exemptions for 'moral convictions' that are not religious

October 6, 2017

House Passes 20-Week Abortion Ban

Congress, pro-life leaders discuss different strategies for challenging abortion

October 4, 2017