Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Marco Rubio

Republican Senators Take Big Leads in Major Swing States

New poll: Rubio up 13, Toomey up 10, Portman up 7

July 14, 2016
Terry McAuliffe

Another Bad Week for Terry McAuliffe’s Felon Voting Order

New mistakes revealed in McAuliffe’s attempt to restore felon voting rights

July 13, 2016

Obama Admin Cuts Off Law Enforcement Funding to DNC Host Philadelphia

Justice Department sides with Republican Pat Toomey against 'sanctuary city' policy

July 13, 2016
Elizabeth Holmes

Clinton Supporter Elizabeth Holmes Banned From Operating Blood-Testing Labs

Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes remains a presidential ambassador

July 8, 2016
Patrick Murphy

Dad’s Company Defends Patrick Murphy’s Nantucket Weekend on Dad’s Boat

Coastal Construction is Murphy's biggest financial supporter

July 7, 2016

Florida's Patrick Murphy Spent the Weekend in Nantucket With Family Yacht

Spent weekend away from Florida, which is in a state of emergency due to toxic algae

July 6, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Former White House Counsel: Hillary Clinton Should Not Get Intelligence Briefings

FBI director's assessment that Clinton was extremely careless is 'disqualifying'

July 6, 2016

New Orleans Democrats Want To Put Strippers Out of Work

But the strippers are not going down quietly

July 1, 2016
Patrick Murphy

Murphy Donors Run to Media to Defend Murphy Business Record

Politico fails to disclose pro-Murphy source is a Murphy donor

June 30, 2016