Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

How a Free Beacon Email Helped Cost a Clinton Crony a Campaign Gig

Hacked emails give inside look at campaign's decision to keep Phillipe Reines off campaign

October 25, 2016
David Brock

John Podesta Hates David Brock, Continued

Podesta on Brock: 'Crazy is as crazy does'

October 24, 2016
Evan Bayh

Evan Bayh Hits Up D.C. Lobbyists for Cash in Final Weeks of Election

Bayh attacks opponent for TPP support, fundraises with TPP lobbyists

October 24, 2016

Patrick Murphy Is Trying to Erase History of Business With Donald Trump

Family construction company still touts work done on Trump projects

October 24, 2016
Todd Young

Indiana's Largest Paper Endorses Republican Todd Young Over Evan Bayh

Indianapolis Star slams Bayh for decision to become lobbyist

October 21, 2016
Patrick Murphy

Patrick Murphy Used Saudi Donor Network to Gain Favor With Florida Democrats

Money flowed to Democrats after Murphy’s decision to launch political career

October 20, 2016
John Podesta, David Brock / AP

John Podesta Hates David Brock

The proof is in the emails

October 19, 2016
Deborah Ross

North Carolina Democrat to Fundraise With Lawyer for Taliban Terrorist

Deborah Ross to be hosted by lawyer for ‘Taliban Five’ prisoner exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl

October 18, 2016