Free Beacon
Brent Scher
Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.
McCaskill Pulled Her Name from Bill Targeting Offshore Tax Havens
Hasn't been sponsor of Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act since husband's million dollar Cayman investment
June 20, 2018
GOP Congressman Throws Cold Water on 'Blue Wave'
'There is no blue wave, and especially not in Indiana's 9th'
June 19, 2018
Joe Manchin Used Taxpayer Funds for Travel from L.A. Fundraiser
West Virginia Democrat raised nearly $100,000 from California-based company
June 18, 2018
Tom Steyer Says Jacky Rosen Scared of 'Enraging' Republican Voters
Steyer has maxed out to Rosen, critical of her reluctance to get behind impeachment
June 14, 2018
Claire McCaskill's Private Plane Used on Campaign's RV Tour Through Missouri
GPS-based tracking info shows senator’s aircraft took same route as campaign RV
June 12, 2018
San Francisco Resistance Group Hosting Phone Bank for Claire McCaskill
California resistors reward McCaskill for no vote on Gina Haspel for CIA
June 8, 2018