Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

McCaskill: 'Spectacle' of Kavanaugh Fight Hurt Reelection Chances

Outgoing senator says Dems in 'mourning' over losing Lindsey Graham as possible ally

December 1, 2018

WaPo, NYT Lament Auto Workers Blaming GM—Not Trump—For Layoffs

'While critics faulted the president for failing to deliver what he promised, a number of workers were quick to exonerate him'

November 30, 2018

Dem Campaigns Paid SEIU-Owned Bank $2.2 Million in Fees, Interest This Cycle

Labor union spent millions of dollars backing liberal campaigns in 2018

November 29, 2018

Espy Denied Employee's Promotion Due to Child's Preexisting Condition

Department of Agriculture lost disability discrimination fight during Espy's tenure

November 20, 2018
U.S. Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer / Getty Images

Chuck Schumer's Recount Reversal

Dem senator no longer believes conceding defeat is 'gentlemanly thing to do'

November 14, 2018

Scott Campaign Calls Latest Nelson Lawsuit a 'Legal White Flag of Surrender'

Republicans say lawyer Marc Elias trying to 'pile up the billable hours' on Nelson

November 12, 2018

Dem Lawyer Marc Elias Takes Spotlight in Florida Recount Fight

Michael Avenatti of election law thanks Rick Scott for giving him 'little promotional video'

November 9, 2018
voting booth

Majority of J Street-Backed Candidates in Contested Races Lose

J Street says growing influence will allow it to 'retake the reins of America's foreign policy'

November 8, 2018