Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Senate Dems Remain on Front Lines of War on Women

Democrats in Senate continue to pay women significantly less than men, analysis shows

April 8, 2014
Vladimir Putin

Putin's Patsies

For Putin's apologists, it's always America's fault

March 4, 2014

Five Totally McAuliffe Moves

The Macker is living up to his reputation

February 25, 2014
Hillary Clinton

Hillary’s First Attended 2016 Strategy Meeting Set Up by Operative Involved in Federal Investigation

Minyon Moore orchestrated $608,000 in off-the-books campaign spending in 2008

January 6, 2014
Bill Clinton

Clinton Global Initiative Tied to Romanian Economic Criminal

Clinton canceled a $275,000 speaking engagement with Stamen Stantchev's group on day of his conviction

December 16, 2013
Levar Stoney, Terry McAuliffe's appointee for Virginia Secretary of State

McAuliffe Appoints GreenTech Exec and Campaign Operative to Cabinet Post

Appointee has history of political scandals, little experience outside politics

November 20, 2013

Obama Bundler Funding VA State Dems, Libertarian Gov. Candidate

Robert Sarvis received crucial donations from donor to Democratic Party of Virginia

November 5, 2013

Team of Goofballs

Incompetence of Obama advisers knows no bounds

November 1, 2013

Five Things You Need to Know About GreenTech Automotive

Terry McAuliffe’s company fails to live up to promises

August 12, 2013