Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Carter Page

FBI Counterspies Under Scrutiny Over FISA Abuses

Analysis: Secret warrants used by Bureau to spy on Carter Page did not catch Russians

February 9, 2018
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Air Force Gen. Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testify

Mattis Defends Plan to Deploy Small Nuclear Arms

New weapons needed to counter Russia, China that are strategic competitors, not partners

February 7, 2018
The guided missile submarine USS Ohio (SSGN 726) stops for a personnel boat transfer

U.S. to Deploy Smaller Nuclear Warheads to Counter Russia's Low-Yield Arms

Nuclear review warns of new dangers from China, Russia

February 3, 2018
A six-page memo alleging misconduct by senior FBI officials investigating President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign was released to the public

FBI Used Dossier Funded by Clinton Election Campaign to Spy on Trump Adviser

Justice Department, Bureau hid Democratic Party links to Steele dossier from secret surveillance court

February 2, 2018
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin

Pentagon: China, Russia Soon Capable of Destroying U.S. Satellites

J-2 intelligence report warns of new dangers to low earth orbit satellites

January 30, 2018
USS Hopper

Pentagon Denies Chinese Warship Drove U.S. Destroyer From S. China Sea

USS Hopper conducted passage near Scarborough Shoal

January 24, 2018
Defense Secretary James Mattis

Pentagon Shifts Strategic Focus from Terrorism to Nation States

Mattis to bolster nuclear, conventional forces against China and Russia

January 19, 2018
The Viktor Leonov CCB-175, a Russian Navy intelligence warship, is docked to a pier in Old Havana

Pentagon Shadowing Russian Spy Ship

Viktor Leonov expected to conduct annual East Coast spy mission

January 17, 2018
Kanyon UUV / Artist's rendering

Pentagon Confirms Russia Building Underwater Nuclear Drone

Drone sub to be armed with multi-megaton warhead to inflict massive damage on U.S. ports

January 17, 2018