Free Beacon Andrew Kugle

Andrew Kugle is the war room director for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in 2013. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, he worked as a Staff/Press Assistant for South Dakota Congresswoman Kristi Noem. Andrew is from De Pere, Wisconsin and lives in D.C. His Twitter handle is @AndrewJKugle. You can reach him at

Matt Lee Asks State Spox Why He Thinks FOIA Requests Have Skyrocketed Since Obama Took Office

'You had 20,000 FOIA requests in 2014. What happened between 2008 and 2014, do you think, that caused this increase?'

June 11, 2015

Lee Slams State's Vagueness on Kerry's Health Status: 'You Realize That You Brought This On Yourself'

'The questions about what's going on ... you're bringing on yourself by not being more forthcoming'

June 9, 2015
Winston Churchill

Churchill At War

Review: Jonathan Schneer’s ‘Ministers at War’

May 10, 2015