Free Beacon Andrew Evans

Andrew Evans is an assistant editor at National Affairs and a former reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, where he covered government accountability and healthcare issues.


State Leaders Raise Concerns About Obamacare Implementation

Poor communication and security concerns plague implementation of law

September 18, 2013

Lee Introduces Pro-Family Tax Plan

Proposal expands child tax credit and eliminates many tax exemptions

September 17, 2013

Republicans Raising Obamacare Security Concerns

Navigators, data hub, subsidies all potential avenues for fraud and abuse

September 17, 2013

Report: Obamacare Subsidies Not as Broad as Advertised

Not all young people who qualify for subsidy will receive one, hurting outreach to key demographic

September 17, 2013

British Secretary Trumpets Welfare Reform Achievements

U.S. conservatives should consider similar reforms, he says

September 16, 2013

Crazy for America

From the Archives: the Free Beacon embeds a reporter in Rep. Louie Gohmert’s tour of the Capitol

September 14, 2013

Experts Highlight Secretive Obamacare Implementation, Lax Oversight

Inspector general is “failing in his duty to the American People,” former government official says

September 11, 2013

Health Insurance Doubling for Some in Oklahoma

Rates increasing by 30 to 100 percent, Oklahoma insurance commissioner says

September 10, 2013

Obamacare Exchanges Will Have ‘Rocky Start,’ Consultant Says

New technology not ready to be rolled out three weeks before exchanges open

September 10, 2013

Congressmen, Veterans Criticize VA for Mismanagement

Executives in charge during deadly bacteria outbreaks received bonuses

September 10, 2013