Free Beacon Andrew Evans

Andrew Evans is an assistant editor at National Affairs and a former reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, where he covered government accountability and healthcare issues.

House Conservatives Speak

Conservative leaders discuss conservatism in the upcoming Congress

December 11, 2012

Controlling Costs

Report recommends ways to control spending at Fannie, Freddie

December 10, 2012

Inaugural Pro Quo

Obama to accept corporate donations for inauguration, New York Times buries story

December 9, 2012

A K Street Christmas

Lobbyists descend on Congress for fiscal cliff payday

December 7, 2012

An Unjust Oyster Ouster

Gov’t refuses to renew permits for oyster company, prompting lawsuit

December 6, 2012

The Lotto Lobby

Lottery directors descend on Congress to oppose online gambling bill

December 5, 2012
Tom Coburn

Department of Homeland Pork

Anti-terror grants fight car thieves, economic downturn, the undead, report says

December 5, 2012

Playing the Odds

Reid could push online gambling bill during lame duck, helping friends and punishing enemies

December 4, 2012

Both Parties Agree: Spend More to Reduce Tax Fraud

Dem Reps. Towns, Connolly use hearing to attack House GOP budget

November 30, 2012

Stopping the Bleeding

House committee discusses ways to prevent healthcare fraud, Republicans target Obamacare

November 29, 2012