Free Beacon Alex Griswold

Alex is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2012. Before joining the Free Beacon, he was a writer for Mediaite and The Daily Caller. He is originally from Buffalo, New York, but regrettably now lives in Washington, D.C. He can be reached at

Marianne Williamson Falls for Hoax Saying Trump Pardoned Charles Manson

A satirical article on originated the story

December 9, 2019

Booker Takes Aim at Buttigieg

Booker previously disavowed own super PAC's ad attacking Buttigieg

December 4, 2019

Dem Rep Laments Absence of Black Impeachment Witnesses

Witnesses were chosen by Democratic committee leadership

December 4, 2019
Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Denies Bloomberg News Press Credentials

The outlet imposed a policy banning investigations of 2020 Democrats

December 2, 2019

Bloomberg News Tells Reporters Not to Investigate 2020 Democrats

Reporters still allowed to investigate Donald Trump

November 25, 2019

Kamala Harris Blames Weed Arrests for Mass Incarceration

1,974 people were put in prison for weed on Harris's watch

November 22, 2019