Free Beacon Alex Griswold

Alex is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2012. Before joining the Free Beacon, he was a writer for Mediaite and The Daily Caller. He is originally from Buffalo, New York, but regrettably now lives in Washington, D.C. He can be reached at

WaPo Investigation Finds 'Almost Every Detail' of Biden War Story False

'This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden'

August 29, 2019

NBC News Can't Confirm O'Donnell's Bombshell Trump-Russia Report

'This has not been confirmed by NBC News, I have not seen any documentation... that supports this'

August 28, 2019

CNN BOMBSHELL: Danny Barefoot, Yes THE Danny Barefoot, Endorses Elizabeth Warren

Honestly, the other 2020 Democrats might as well pack it in

August 27, 2019
New York Times building

Journalists Are Powerful Public Figures and We Should Treat Them as Such

Trump supporter wants to prove journalists hold their friends to different standards than the rest of us. It'd be nice if they proved him wrong

August 27, 2019

HuffPost Sued for Defamation in Kavanaugh Article

'Defendants knew the quoted statement . . . was false when it was published'

August 23, 2019

It's A Dancing Show

Sean Spicer danced for Trump's amusement, now let him dance for ours

August 22, 2019
Kamala Harris

WaPo: Kamala Harris's Tax Cut Promise 'Simply Not Credible'

About half of U.S. households would see higher taxes under Harris's 'tax cut'

August 20, 2019

Do You Idiots Even Watch the Videos You Freak Out About?

You're all gullible or lying, and I've stopped caring which

August 14, 2019