Free Beacon Alec Schemmel

Alec Schemmel is an Investigative Reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from American University in Washington, D.C., where he studied journalism and political science. Alec is originally from Charlotte, N.C., and now lives in Arlington, Va. His email address is

Nation's Largest Teachers' Union Bankrolls Fight to Kill School Choice in Nebraska

Teachers' unions have ramped up left-wing political spending in recent years

July 27, 2023

George and Alex Soros Max Out to Israel-Hating Congresswoman

‘Squad’ member Pramila Jayapal called Israel a ‘racist state’ in an address to Palestinian activists

July 25, 2023

'Teaching Toward Social Justice': California's New Math Framework Aims to Create 'Equitable Outcomes' Between Students

New guidelines abandon student performance tracking and aim to eliminate differences in 'school experiences'

July 14, 2023

FACT CHECK: Biden Admin Says Its Stimulus Spending Didn't Spike Inflation

Verdict: Biden signed the American Rescue Plan. Then US inflation outpaced other countries.

July 13, 2023

Liberal Nonprofit Finds Solution to Portland's Homeless Crisis: A Million Dollars for 'Equity and Inclusion'

Oregon saw one of the nation’s largest increases in homelessness from 2020 to 2022

July 12, 2023

North Carolina Governor, a Democrat, Vetoes Bill That Would Protect Women's Sports From Biological Men

Roy Cooper’s veto comes after biological male seriously injured state volleyball player

July 6, 2023

'Building an Antiracist America': Top Pennsylvania School District Pushes Teachers To Infuse Critical Race Theory Into Their Lessons

Pennsylvania school teachers must 'know and acknowledge that biases exist in the education system' before they can teach in the state

July 5, 2023