Alana Goodman is a senior investigative reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. She was previously investigative political reporter at the Washington Examiner and a senior reporter at the Daily Mail. Goodman has written for Commentary, the Weekly Standard, and the New York Post. She lives in Washington, D.C. Her Twitter handle is @alanagoodman. Her email address is
FBI Goes Hollywood
DOJ says budget cuts could allow criminals to go free as it spends $50M on conferences
Sequester Scare Tactics
Bin Laden's son-in-law’s defense team cites sequester in delay request
Mayors for Illegal Activities
Another member of Bloomberg anti-gun group gets arrested
Shielding Our Students
NRA-backed report supports armed guards, other measures to curtail gun violence
Registration Required
Yoko Ono’s anti-fracking group criticized for failing to register as lobbyists in NY
Lobbying for Fun and Nonprofit
Pro-Obama group may run up against Empire State lobbying law, experts say
Pulling Punches
Environmental org refuses to protest Obama fundraiser held at environmentalist’s home
Grading on a Curve
American foreign policy experts criticize Afghan president’s comments, secretary of state’s response