Free Beacon Alana Goodman

Alana Goodman is a senior investigative reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. She was previously investigative political reporter at the Washington Examiner and a senior reporter at the Daily Mail. Goodman has written for Commentary, the Weekly Standard, and the New York Post. She lives in Washington, D.C. Her Twitter handle is @alanagoodman. Her email address is

Unlocking Regulatory Capture

Obama’s choice to head FCC is a longtime telecom lobbyist

April 24, 2013

Boston Bombing Shakes Up Mass. Senate Race

After Boston bombing, terrorist rights come to the fore

April 22, 2013

‘Amnesty Is Amnesty’

Law enforcement, immigration officials blast ‘Gang of Eight’

April 18, 2013

The Man Who Would Turn Texas Blue

Feature: DNC finance chair Henry Muñoz has history of political cronyism, critics say

April 18, 2013

Billionaires, Rappers, and Former Lobbyists Give to OFA

Organizing for America takes in $4.8 million in first quarter disclosures

April 12, 2013
Jim Messina

Lobbying for Action

OFA registers as lobbyist in NY despite anti-lobbyist positions

April 12, 2013

FBI Goes Hollywood

DOJ says budget cuts could allow criminals to go free as it spends $50M on conferences

April 11, 2013

Rallying Point

Republicans ‘disappointed’ in Obama budget

April 10, 2013

Sequester Scare Tactics

Bin Laden's son-in-law’s defense team cites sequester in delay request

April 9, 2013

Mayors for Illegal Activities

Another member of Bloomberg anti-gun group gets arrested

April 3, 2013