Free Beacon Aaron Sibarium

Aaron Sibarium is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from Yale University, where he was the opinion editor of the Yale Daily News. Before joining the Free Beacon, he was an editor at The American Interest. His twitter handle is @aaronsibarium. Email him at

Fed Judge Warns Against Hiring From Yale Law

Audio reveals loud attempts to drown out free speech panel, police involvement

March 18, 2022

Hundreds of Yale Law Students Disrupt Bipartisan Free Speech Event

Nearly two-thirds of student body sign letter in support of rowdy protest

March 16, 2022

How the American Bar Association Just Radicalized Law School

Law students now required to learn about their duty to 'eliminate racism'

February 15, 2022
Angela Davis

Congressional Group To Host Event Celebrating 'Renowned Activist' Angela Davis

Radical communist involved in a California terrorist attack carried out by Black Panthers

February 11, 2022
Georgetown University

Georgetown Dean Lays Down for Activists Protesting His Office

Dean promises to reimburse students who want further action taken against professor who criticized Biden

February 1, 2022

Georgetown Puts Ilya Shapiro on Administrative Leave for Criticizing Biden Supreme Court Promise

President has pledged to nominate a black woman to Supreme Court

January 31, 2022

Georgetown Law School Lashes Out at Professor Critical of Biden's Racial Supreme Court Promise

President has promised to put first black woman on Supreme Court

January 27, 2022

Yale Law School Reappoints Dean at Center of Trap House Controversy

Announcement comes in spite of faculty misgivings

January 19, 2022

Hospital System Backs Off Race-Based Treatment Policy After Legal Threat

Scoring rubric gave race more weight than diabetes, obesity, asthma, and hypertension combined

January 14, 2022