
Death, Taxes, and the Individual Mandate

Obama gives $500M to IRS to Implement Obamacare

Obama’s Gun Boom

Gun sales, permit applications spike, federal data show, as shooting ranges draw huge crowds

April 9, 2012


Israel obsessive MJ Rosenberg out; Alan Dershowitz suspects pressure from White House led to ouster of fringe writer

April 9, 2012

Down the Hatch

Cabinet members and White House officials skirt law forbidding federal employees from campaign activities

April 9, 2012

Obama’s Network

First Family frequent guests on NBC and other Comcast-owned nets

April 7, 2012

Connecticut Dem calls opponent whore, says he sold his soul to AIPAC

Dem posted photo of herself with Chris Dodd at a 2009 J Street event

Cash Money Millionaires

Parents of DNC staffer who posted picture captioned “Jewbags” on Facebook are closely tied to the White House

April 6, 2012

Persecution on the Peninsula

Saudi cleric issues fatwa to demolish Christian Churches in Arabia

April 6, 2012