Military Transgender Policy Could Be Reviewed
Concerns grow that taxpayer money could be used for sexual reassignment surgery
May 15, 2014
Reid: New York Times Shows Need for Pay Equality Legislation
Senate Democrats pay female staffers less than male staffers
May 15, 2014
Watching China Like a Hawk
Pentagon sending two long-range Global Hawk drones for operations from Japan
May 15, 2014
CNN Grills W.H. Chief of Staff: How Many Dead Veterans Do You Need?
CNN's Jake Tapper slams White House over VA Scandal
May 15, 2014
Obama NLRB Unconcerned by Threats of Violence During Union Elections
Overturned decision calling for new unionization election following revelation of threats
May 15, 2014
Treasury Dept. Pushed to Sever Contracts With Companies Seeking Business in Iran
Lamborn: Those doing business with Iran should not have U.S. government contracts
May 15, 2014
Feds to Spend Up to $100,000 to Build Bike Trail
Mark Twain National Forest already has 22 bike trails
May 15, 2014