
Joe Biden’s Estate Tax Guru

VP adviser, former lobbyist has close ties to industries benefitting from estate tax reform

January 4, 2013

Meathead Wins Again

Column: Tax deal is a victory for Hollywood cronyism

January 4, 2013

7 Things You Need to Know About Al Jazeera

Greatest hits from the new owners of Current al Qaeda recruiter called 'trustworthy,' and Hugo Chavez calls a 'model of honor'

Chinese Cyberattack Continues

DHS warns about new ‘watering hole’ cyber attack vulnerability as a high-tech firm also reportedly is hit

January 3, 2013

The Saga of Hagel and Haifa

Potential SecDef nominee tried to shut down USO port in Israeli city of Haifa, sources say

January 3, 2013

Obama Admin at Odds with Latino Group

Department of Labor suing group that supported the Affordable Care Act and donated to Dems

Christie Craves Pork-Filled Bill

NJ gov slams House GOP for failing to pass Sandy bill stuffed with pork barrel spending