
Malign Neglect

Obama admin allowing China and Russia to gain foothold in Middle East

May 14, 2013

NAACP Chair: Tea Party Is 'Taliban Wing' Of American Politics

Fmr Chair Julian Bond: 'The truth may hurt, but it's the truth'

AP Video: Obama Wind Energy Agenda Leaves 'Trail of Dead Eagles'

Obama Admin overrules own experts, gives wind energy pass on eagle killing

Todd on Phone Records Scandal: ‘It's Chilling'

‘This is a concerted effort to spook anybody that might leak’

Delegitimizing Israel

U.N. official under fire for photo op holding map that erases Israel

May 14, 2013

Scarborough on AP Phone Records Grab: 'This Is Sinister'

'The decision by the federal government to seize these phone records goes far beyond incompetence'

Network Effects

Chinese university lab linked to PLA cyber attacks

May 14, 2013

Heightened Scrutiny

Attorney for Tea Party group: IRS told me a year ago about ‘secret working group’

May 13, 2013