
Clyburn: I Hope Obama Will 'Accommodate' GOP in Negotiations

'Look, this is the Christmas season. Let us all be joyful and let's exchange gifts.'

December 10, 2012

The Preemptive Strike
on ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal under fire from progressives outraged by film’s accurate depiction of enhanced interrogation techniques

December 10, 2012

Obama Slams Right-to-Work at Fiscal Cliff Event

'By the way what we shouldn't be doing is be taking away your rights to bargain for better wages'

December 10, 2012

Obama Investment in Chicago Donor Pays Off

Fred Eychaner donated $14 million in 2012 cycle

December 10, 2012

Iranian Ambition

Report: Iran has nuclear-capable missiles, is developing a space launch program

December 10, 2012

Rice Under Pressure for U.S. Role in Congo Violence

NYT highlights Rice's failure to aggressively act during genocide in Congo

December 10, 2012

Kirk Plans to Return to Senate at Start of New Congress

After major stroke, GOP senator ready to keep Iran in check

December 10, 2012