
Lois Lerner

IRS Loses More Emails Connected to Probe

Revelation to set off new round of investigations, congressional hearings

September 5, 2014
Militants from the al Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) celebrate the group's declaration of an Islamic state, in Fallujah

Ernst Slams Obama’s Non-Strategy Against ISIL

Iowa Senate candidate seeks to promote her foreign policy creds

September 5, 2014

Sessions: Twice as Many People Left the Labor Force as Found Jobs in August

Labor force has fallen by more than 7 million under Obama

September 5, 2014
Fracking in Colorado

Polis-Backed Group Draws Fire for Fracking Lies

Colorado environmentalists criticized for invoking young cystic fibrosis patient to hype fracking dangers

September 5, 2014