
Video Outlines Liberals' 'Big Hypocrisy' on Money in Politics

Harry Reid and the 'assault on free speech'

September 9, 2014

IG: Washington DC’s Parking Tickets, Speed Cameras Are the Worst

Audit finds city gives tickets arbitrarily, without evidence

September 9, 2014

Court: NLRB is Acting Like a Union Subsidiary

NLRB ‘serving as the litigation arm of the Union’

September 9, 2014

Sessions: HHS Currently Has No Authority to Prevent Welfare Withdrawals at Marijuana Dispensaries

Current law allows welfare recipients to redeem benefits at marijuana dispensaries

September 9, 2014

Israel Providing Intelligence Support to U.S. in Campaign Against ISIL

'The Israelis are very good with passenger data and analyzing social media'

September 9, 2014

Media Won't Cover Obama's Bad Poll Numbers

Ignoring their own polls to protect the President

September 9, 2014