Feds Acknowledge Improper Scrutiny of Candidate, Donor Tax Records
Justice won't prosecute
July 16, 2013
U.S., China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Criticized
U.S.-China dialogue, exploited by Beijing for propaganda, produces no substantive results
July 16, 2013
McKeon: State Department Ignores Major Russian Treaty Violation
Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty Breached
July 15, 2013
Department of Transportation Cancels Stimulus Audits
Federal-aid highway program had been seen as susceptible to fraud
July 15, 2013
Firearms Group Files Lawsuit to Overturn Connecticut Gun-Control Laws
Lawsuit alleges Connecticut's new gun laws violate the Second Amendment
July 15, 2013
Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions Attack Gang of Eight, Immigration Reform
Senators blast reform plans at March for Jobs rally
July 15, 2013