
Federal Judge: EPA May Have Skirted FOIA Law with Secret Emails

Judge orders EPA to submit to discovery in lawsuit

August 15, 2013

Oversight Committee: Administration Withheld Obamacare Documents

Committee leaders threaten legal action against Treasury Department if they do not turn docs over

August 15, 2013

WaPo Ombudsman Previously Apologized for Anti-Rubin Comments

Described self as ‘glib,’ ‘uninformed,’ and ‘amateurish’ in 2011

August 15, 2013

White House Inconsistent on Petition Responses

Refuses to comment on German homeschooling family’s asylum petition because of pending lawsuit

August 15, 2013

Report: Nuclear Facilities Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack

Civilian nuclear reactors do not have adequate defenses against potential attacks

August 15, 2013