
Gary Peters tried to silence Julie Boonstra from speaking out against Obamacare

Anti-Obamacare Cancer Patient Defies Legal Threats

Democratic congressman dispatched lawyers, but Boonstra continues to speak

March 4, 2014

Ukraine on the Brink

Russian forces mass near Ukraine’s eastern border

March 3, 2014

House Pressures Obama to Dismantle Iran’s Enrichment Program

Eric Cantor and Steny Hoyer co-author letter to Obama on Iran

March 3, 2014

McCain to AIPAC: I'm Sorry to Tell You American Leadership is 'MIA'

AIPAC crowd applauds searing criticism of Obama's 'feckless' foreign policy

The Invisible Women

Feds spending $718,770 to study postpartum depression in ‘invisible sexual minority women’

March 3, 2014

EPA Releases New Fuel Standards

Oil industry says costs to consumers will be higher than administration claims

March 3, 2014

Experts See U.S. Energy Exports as Foil to Russian Aggression

Approving additional natural gas exports could blunt Kremlin’s influence

March 3, 2014