
Anti-Drug Efforts Succeeding in Colombia

Could serve as model for other regional countries

December 5, 2013
Douglas Brice Jordan

Achillean’s Heel

Feature: Think Jack Abramoff gave lobbyists a bad name? Meet Douglas Brice Jordan

December 5, 2013
Experts say the Obama administration is losing leverage in its talks with Iran

White House Loses Leverage in Iran Talks

Fmr. officials: Iran holding all the cards in nuke talks

December 5, 2013
embryonic stem cells

Pro-life Groups Celebrate Stem Cell Research Funding Shift

President George W. Bush passed restrictions on existing stem cell lines in 2001

December 5, 2013

Study: Union-Backed Fast Food Proposal Could Cost Half a Million Jobs

Think tank suggests $15 minimum wage would cost jobs

December 5, 2013

Top Clinton Associate Ducks Questions at Anti-Israel Book Event

Author of anti-Israel book criticizes major Clinton donor Haim Saban for pro-Israel stance

December 5, 2013
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey

Pentagon: China Failed to Consult Before Imposing Air Defense Zone

Hagel, Dempsey do not demand roll back of zone; no contacts with Chinese counterparts

December 4, 2013

Hagel's Worst Dodge Ever

Sec. Def. on WSJ Syria report: 'That's not my area I deal with'

December 4, 2013