Pro-Lifers Tell Congress to Revive the 20-Week Ban
Dannenfelser: ‘A desire to vote to protect life is good. Action is better’
April 23, 2015
Official: State Department Hit By Hackers ‘Thousands of Times a Day’
Breaches have occurred in some cases
April 23, 2015
FBI Warns Law Enforcement on Hacker Attacks
Anonymous said to be targeting officers and family
April 23, 2015
Testimony: Government-Run Education on Indian Reservations is a Disaster
No hot water, $3.5 million new roofs leak, ‘electrocution hazards’
April 23, 2015
Experts: Obama Helping Iran Become Nuclear Threshold State
Former State Department official: ‘They’ll be on the one-inch line for dozens of nuclear weapons, an arsenal’
April 23, 2015