
Hillary Clinton

Hillary, the Fighter

Hillary Clinton fought Secret Service agent to fly into blizzard

George Soros

Critics: George Soros Using Political Connections to Benefit His Foreign Policy Goals

Secretary of State John Kerry to introduce George Soros at State Department open forum Tuesday

May 13, 2014

Pro-Wendy Davis Group Links GOP Candidate to Cancer

Attack calls to mind anti-Romney slur linking Bain to cancer death

May 12, 2014

Former AGs, DEA Officials Oppose Sentencing Reform

Praise current system’s ‘balance’ between congressional action and judicial discretion

May 12, 2014

DHS Secretly Allowed Suspects with Terror Ties Into Country

Sen. Grassley seeking more information about DHS' 'hands off' list

May 12, 2014

Cost of CFPB July Training Session Estimated at $400,000

CFPB booked 2,000 nights at D.C. hotels for attendees

May 12, 2014