

'Don't Tread on Me' License Plates Taking Over Virginia

The plates are now on more than 38,000 cars in the commonwealth

September 12, 2014

CIA: Islamic State Has 2 to 3 Times More Fighters than Previous Estimate

ISIL 'can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria'

September 12, 2014

Silent Coup

Column: Harry Reid’s plan to hand America to liberal billionaires

September 12, 2014

‘The Drop’ Review

A puppy upstages James Gandolfini in his final film

September 12, 2014

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

Meeting follows conference at which Ted Cruz was booed off stage for defending Israel

September 11, 2014
Gary Peters

Dem Wants to Fund Highways by Punishing Tax Dodgers

Peters personally profits from tax dodging

September 11, 2014