
Mark Begich

Dem Super PAC Drops $3.5 Million on Alaska Senate Race

Money funneled from Steyer, unions, Hollywood execs through ‘local’ front group

July 15, 2014

Whistleblowers Testify Before the House Veteran Affair Committee

Whistleblowers at Veterans Benefits Administration report instances of retaliation

July 15, 2014

Hamas Rejects Egypt-Backed, Israeli-Accepted Ceasefire

Ceasefire was to have gone into effect this morning

July 15, 2014

Library Coordinated with Clinton Staff Prior to Free Beacon Ban, Internal Emails Show

FOIA: library moved to suppress ‘Hillary Tapes’ without knowing who owned copyright

July 15, 2014

Outbreak on the Border

Federal health authorities contain pneumonia, swine flu outbreaks among illegal children in California

July 14, 2014