
Gohmert: Obama’s Praise for Radical Muslim Cleric is ‘Truly Unsettling’

‘This, by no means, sounds like a moderate Muslim leader’

September 25, 2014

Bruce Braley Loses Vote of Neighbor, A Lifelong Democrat

Congressman threatened to sue her after her chickens crossed into his yard

September 25, 2014

WebMD Has Received $13.9M to Promote Obamacare

HHS gets editorial approval over sponsored content

September 25, 2014
Susana Martinez

Left Wing Hispanic Group Attack on New Mexico’s Martinez Falls Flat

Latina governor attacked for avoiding ‘Mexican affair’ during inaugural events which included ‘Hispanic heritage’ theme

September 25, 2014
Ted Cruz

Cruz Defends Pro-Israel Speech to Christian Conference

'At the end of the day, we are called as Christians and Americans to speak the truth'

September 25, 2014

Labor Giant Puts Politics, Pay Over Serving Teachers

NEA spends more on lobbying than representing members

September 25, 2014

Syrian Kurds Fight ISIL, Assad, With Little Help From United States

Humanitarian disaster unfolding in northeastern Syria

September 24, 2014