
Top IRS Official Said Agency Targeted Conservative Groups Based on 'Guilt By Association'

Documents reveal the IRS knew about abuses of conservative groups before it was exposed

November 16, 2016
NATO military exercises in Georgia

Heritage Foundation: Russia Threat to U.S. 'Formidable'

Conservative think tank lays out how to bolster U.S. military to fight and win two major wars

November 16, 2016
Standing Rock

Green Energy Companies Gave $250,000 to Anti-Pipeline Tribe

The donations came just days after protests against Dakota Access Pipeline began

November 16, 2016
a Boeing 747 of Iran's national airline is seen at Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran

House Lawmakers to Nix Obama Admin-Backed Sale of U.S. Planes to Iran

Iran angling to rebuild war fleet with American planes

November 16, 2016