
Pakistani activists torch an Israeli flag during a protest

Berkeley Professor Apologizes for Sharing Pictures Depicting Orthodox Jews as Murderous

University of California-Berkeley professor shares image of Kim Jong-un wearing a kippah

November 22, 2017
Israel flags

Middle East Studies Association Panel Considers Undue Influence of Jewish Campus Institutions

Allegations made that Jewish donors pressure universities on their Israel education

November 22, 2017
Pacific Drug Bust

Southcom: Hundreds of Tons of Cocaine Flowing into U.S. from South America

Stopping drug 'tsunami' hampered by lack of ships, planes, admiral says

November 22, 2017
George Soros

WaPo Reporter Goes Rogue, Gives Strategy Briefing to Secret Dem Donor Conference

National reporter Janell Ross helped donor group craft liberal economic message without notifying superiors

November 22, 2017