
Broward County Sheriff Acknowledges Hearing About Deputy's Inaction During Massacre the Same Day of CNN Town Hall

Tapper: 'One week after the shooting, you hadn't looked at the video yet?'

February 25, 2018

Jail Populations Slightly Up, But Shrinking Overall, Study Shows

Number held without conviction reaches new high

February 25, 2018

A Mind to Know God

Review: 'What Are We Doing Here' by Marilynne Robinson

February 25, 2018
William Emanuel

Wrong to Recuse

Critics say NLRB watchdog's conflict of interest memo unfairly targets GOP appointees

February 25, 2018

Booker and Gillibrand Want to Stymie Special Interest Spending, Except for Labor Unions and Ideological Groups

Under the law, corporate PACs and PACs associated with labor unions and ideological groups operate under the same standard

February 24, 2018