
Jamaal Bowman Says He Takes 'Marching Orders' From Activist Group Working To Defund Police

Bowman's 'Equity or Else' resolution endorses proposal to 'reallocate/divest police budgets'

February 1, 2024

Communist-Controlled Media Rush to Defend TikTok CEO Over CCP Ties

Chinese allies attack Sen. Cotton for pressing TikTok leader on national security risks

February 1, 2024

Millionaire Wives Pour $1 Million Into Criminal Justice Reform as Californians Sour on Soft-on-Crime Policies

Smart Justice California has given $25 million to progressive lawmakers and prosecutors as crime spikes across the state

February 1, 2024

Jon Tester Wants to Ban Dark Money. But Not Until It Helps Him Win.

Shady super PAC meddling in Montana GOP primary bankrolled by Schumer dark money group, filings show

February 1, 2024