Bernstein: Hillary Clinton Has Been ‘Less Than Truthful’

October 7, 2015

Carl Bernstein accused Hillary Clinton Wednesday morning of being "less than truthful" with the email scandal that has plagued her campaign.

"Politicians lie. Hillary Clinton has been around public life for almost 40 years now and what we see is whenever she is in any kind of trouble, she is unwilling to open up and be transparent," Bernstein told Chris Cuomo on CNN. "It has dogged her for years and years, and right now it's the biggest problem with her campaign."

Bernstein said that despite the politicization of the Benghazi committee, it will not preclude the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

"Hillary Clinton has a huge problem because she does not tell the truth very, very often," Bernstein said.

The reporter, who worked with Bob Woodward to break the Watergate scandal that led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation, wrote a book about the Democratic candidate before her run during the 2008 cycle.

"She has a 60 percent unfavorability and distrustfulness rating in the new polls for reasons. It has to do with the fact she trims the truth and obfuscates, and Democrats are concerned about it, and it's one of the reasons Joe Biden is in good position if he enters the race."

"The server question is what has solidified this impression because she's been less than truthful. She's been less than open. She has looked for all kinds of excuses, much like she did when she was in the White House as first lady and the travel office debate came up."

Published under: Hillary Clinton