RNC Sets Another Fundraising Record, Raises $13.9 Million in March

President Donald Trump, RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel / Getty Images
April 20, 2018

The Republican National Committee (RNC) set another non-presidential year fundraising record by raising $13.9 million in the month of March.

The haul, which was announced Friday, brings the group's total fundraising numbers for the first quarter of 2018 to $39 million, according to The Hill.

Ronna Romney McDaniel, the chairwoman of the RNC, expressed the fundraising numbers proved the first two years of the Trump administration were successful in positively impacting the lives of everyday citizens.

"Another month of record-breaking fundraising confirms what many in the mainstream media are ignoring: Americans are doing better under Republican leadership," McDaniel said.

"Our country has more jobs, a growing economy, and higher wages, thanks to President Trump and Republicans in Congress," she added.

The announcement comes on the heels of McDaniel promising the RNC would spend upwards of $250 million to maintain Republican control in the House of Representatives.

To date, the group has raised $171.6 million for the 2017-2018 election cycle. The DNC, meanwhile, has struggled to raise money and even had to take out a $1.7 million loan in February, pushing its total debt to over $6 million.

The RNC ended March with $42.9 million cash on hand.