Dem Lawmakers Use Tax Day to Hit Trump as Americans Work to File Their Returns

The IRS Building / Getty Images
April 18, 2017

As people across the United States submitted their tax forms on Tuesday, congressional Democrats used Tax Day to again call for President Trump to release his tax returns.

Many frequent Trump critics took to Twitter to voice their concerns about the commander in chief's taxes, the Hill reported.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) both called for Trump to release his tax returns. The party leaders appeared to imply Trump cannot be trusted unless his taxes are released.

Democratic Reps. Shelia Jackson Lee (Texas) and Maxine Waters (Calif.), both frequent Trump critics, also called for the president's returns via Twitter.

Waters continued tweeting about the president on Tuesday, saying that she would "fight everyday until [Trump] is impeached" before claiming on television she has never called for Trump's impeachment.

The White House has said that the president is currently under audit and therefore unable to release his tax returns.