Hillary Clinton's fundraising swing on the backs of some of the biggest stars in Hollywood had NBC's Extra host Mario Lopez dubbing the town "Hillarywood" on Monday night.
"She's turning Hollywood into Hillarywood," Lopez said, before providing a brief recap of her week.
After an East Coast swing over the weekend that included a Cape Cod event with Cher that reportedly raised $1.5 million, the Democratic nominee switched coasts for a trip to Los Angeles on Monday. In addition to taping an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, she visited the homes of NBA Hall-of-Famer Magic Johnson and mega-donor Haim Saban for big-ticket fundraisers.
On Tuesday, she will visit the home of power couple Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel for a luncheon fundraiser that was initially going to be held at Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio's house. The event will be co-hosted by actors Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Anniston and costs more than $33,000 a plate.
Hollywood personalities overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party and liberal causes. One local reporter dubbed Clinton's access to the cash the "Hollywood political ATM."