It Wasn't Sunny in Philadelphia

July 29, 2016

Then-Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) was a confident woman on April 24 about the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, amidst a brutal primary battle between Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).

"I'm very confident that, regardless of the intensity of what's played out here at the last stages of the campaign, whichever one of our candidates ultimately is our nominee, we are going to be unified, and that is certainly not the case that's playing out on the other side, where they're headed for chaos at their convention," Schultz said on Fox News Sunday.

Three months later, Schultz was announcing her resignation after a DNC email hack showed party favoritism for Clinton, she was booed off the stage in Philadelphia and escorted by security from a breakfast, Sanders supporters booed the idea of voting for their party's nominee, protesters set fire to American and Israeli flags (and themselves), moments of silence for slain police officers were interrupted and counterterrorism strategies were shouted down with "No more wars!" chants.

But the Democrats did make history, so there was that.